Supply Chain Control

The Value of Supply Chain Sustainability

The supply chain is the most significant source of positive ESG impact in most companies. Use our Supply Chain Control (SCC) solution to reduce risks, save costs, drive impact, and promote business innovation.

The module has an intuitive and user-friendly design, making it easy to manage and keep track of your suppliers throughout the supply chain. The module includes a vast library of ESG surveys that align with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, Transparency Acts, and other global due diligence standards.

End-to-end Solution

We strengthen your Supply Chain performance, reduce ESG-related Risks, improve your Carbon Footprint and map your Supplier Score to International Responsibility Standards.

Change the way to communicate

Access a vast library of surveys with our Standard survey tool that supports different frameworks or regulations such as the Transparency Act, CSRD and the global reporting inititative (GRI).

You can also create a flexible survey for any internal and external stakeholders to, for example, measure risks in various ESG-related matters and follow up on your ESG requirements and Code of Conduct.

Collect and track responses

Track results and individual supplier risk scores thorugh a custom dashboards.

Identify Risks

Suppliers can track, analyze, improve, and share their own results.

Locate high-risk suppliers

By benchmarking suppliers according to their ESG status, you can confidently evaluate and rank all your suppliers. You get a clear overiview of high-risk suppliers by using a Interactive risk map.

Risk Identification

Supplier Assessments
Public Registers
Business databases

Risk-data Evaluation

Data Quality Assurance
Data analysis
Data Mapping

Supplier Management

Supplier admin tool
Performance Improvement
Document Archive

Client Tools

Client Dashboard
Portofolia Analysis
Risk Score Card

Lately, Cappelen Damm has been using CEMAsys’ Supply Chain Control system tool to streamline supplier due diligence processes and adhere to the Norwegian Transparency Act. The system allows us to distribute surveys and collect and analyze data, which ultimately saves us time and increases the quality and consistency of the work that we do. The system is considered a prerequisite for Cappelen Damm’s yearly report on supply chain human and labour rights.”

Roy Jensrud – Production- and Sustainability Director, Cappelen Damm AS

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