CSRD Webinar (Swedish)

Välkommen att lyssna in på vårt svenska CSRD lanseringsevent!

Ska du börja med CSRD-rapportering men känner att du kör fast eller att du inte vet vart du ska börja? Du är inte ensam! Många företag står inför utmaningar när de ska navigera bland de nya kraven. Men hjälpen finns här! Vår egen Hampus Petersson har samlat CSRD-experter från CEMAsys och PwC för att hjälpa er på vägen.

Registrera dig genom länken nedanför.

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Vad är CSRD och varför är det viktigt?

Lydia Lundström från CEMAsys Sverige och vår CSRD-expert Konstantin Heim inleder webbinariet med att prata om vad CSRD är och varför det är viktigt. Dessutom bakgrunden till varför EU har infört detta direktiv.

Introduktion till vår nya CSRD-applikation

Vi kommer introducera och visa upp vår nyligen lanserade CSRD-applikation. Applikationen är utformad för att göra övergången till rapportering enklare och mer effektiv. Fokus blir hur ett systemstöd kan underlätta kommande rapportering.

CSRD från ett revisionsperspektiv

Näst på tur lämnar vi över till PwC representerad av Sustainability Reporting Specialist Sofie Westling Smedberg. Sofie kommer att berätta mer om vad som är viktigt för en revisor, vad de tittar på i en granskning och ger er viktiga tips för kommande CSRD-rapportering.

Q & A

Avslutningsvis för att sy ihop säcken svarar CEMAsys och PwC på vanligt förekommande frågor om CSRD från våra kunder.

Hampus Petersson

CEMAsys Sverige

Hampus är konsult på CEMAsys och har sedan tidigare en masterexamen i företagsekonomi med inriktning hållbart företagande och arbetade tidigare på ett globalt IT- och affärskonsultbolag där han drivit hållbarhetsfrågor i kombination med varit projektledare.

Lydia Lundström

CEMAsys Sverige

Lydia har arbetat på CEMAsys sedan 2020: hon började som konsult på CEMAsys Oslokontor, var sedan med och startade upp CEMAsys dotterbolag i USA och hon arbetar nu som Managing Director för CEMAsys Sverige där hennes främsta fokus är på att säkerställa att vi underlättar CSRD-rapporteringen för våra kunder i vårt helhetliga hållbarhetsrapporteringssystem.

Sofie Westling Smedberg

Sofie började sin karriär på PwC inom finansiell revision men arbetar sedan tre år tillbaka på PwCs hållbarhetsavdelning där hennes främsta fokus ligger på bestyrkanden av hållbarhetsredovisningar.
Sofie har stor erfarenhet av granskningar av hållbarhetsredovisningar som är upprättade i enlighet med GRI samt är involverad i översiktliga granskningar av frivilliga hållbarhetsrapporter som upprättas i enlighet med CSRD under 2024.

Konstantin Heim

CEMAsys Nordic

Konstantin jobbar som Product Specialist med produktutväckling för att göra det lättare för CEMAsys kunder att möta kraven till hållbarhetsrapportering. Tidigare jobbade han som konsult på CEMAsys Oslokontor med ett fokus på CSRD och EU Taxonomi projekt. Han sitter även i CEMAsys expertgrupp för CSRD.

Comply with CSRD!

Our dedicated team of ESG experts is here to provide you with comprehensive support every step of the way.

Our CSRD solutionBook a demo

Our CSRD application is now live and ready!

CEMAsys launches a SaaS-Driven Tool to Simplify CSRD Reporting for 50,000+ Companies.

Over 15,000 companies are collecting data as we speak for the first reporting year of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The consequences of failing to report are lawbreaking, and stakeholders will look closely at businesses' ESG performance.

CEMAsys has responded to this urgent need with an innovative new application to automate and streamline the CSRD reporting process. After months of user testing and feedback from clients, CEMAsys is proud to release a tool that takes the guesswork out of compliance, making it easier than ever to meet EU regulations.

CSRD guidance throughout the reporting

Users can access a suite of features to streamline the process, including an overview of every disclosure requirement and data points across general and topical ESRS. Based on your double materiality assessment results, you can filter through the different reporting requirements.

In real-time dashboard to monitor the process

The application provides a user-friendly dashboard, enabling organizations to monitor reporting progress efficiently in real time. The dashboard separates the General, Environmental, Social, and Governance topical standards with automated process tracking.

Seamless collaboration within your team

One of the standout features is the ability to assign roles and responsibilities across teams without limitations. To clarify and structure, each user sees only the relevant data points to their assigned role to improve focus and accountability. Real-time sharing allows teams to share documents, disclosures, and comments quickly.

Integrations for the 3rd party verification

The application features separate sign-off functionality for approvals and compliance and maintains an audit log that delivers a complete audit trail, ideal for third-party verification. If needed, auditors can be granted access to the system to conduct reviews efficiently. You can effortlessly export your digitally tagged CSRD report in xhtml format based on the XBRL taxonomy.

This appliction makes reporting not only more comprehensive but also more efficient, offering new features that significantly lighten the workload. Already back in 2007, CEMAsys was committed to being part of the change by providing tools to navigate the ESG landscape. We haven’t rushed the development of the CSRD application to deliver a solution; we want to deliver the best solution that will ease companies’ minds, knowing that they can be one hundred percent transparent and have everything ESG-related in one place.

Per Otto Larsen, CTO, and Co-founder


Trust and time are the ultimate currencies of any company. We assist companies in delivering accurate reports, fast.

Michael Zink, CEO


Start your journey

Do you need to comply with the CSRD?

Learn more about our CSRD solution
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How to get started with CSRD?

By CEMAsys

How to start implementing the corporate sustainability reporting directive in your organization


How to get started with CSRD

CSRD Guide

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) represents a transformative shift in how organizations approach sustainability reporting. This directive expands the scope of required disclosures, mandates more detailed and comparable data, and emphasizes the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in business operations. Implementing the CSRD is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution.

What is the CSRD? (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)

The CSRD marks a significant leap forward in the European Union’s commitment to transparency and sustainability. Effective from January 2023, the CSRD requires companies to share detailed insights on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. Businesses will begin reporting under these new standards starting from fiscal years on or after January 1, 2024, setting a new benchmark in corporate responsibility.

Are you looking for a CSRD solution?

Our ESG-expert consultants can help facilitate your whole CSRD process, and navigate your company towards sustainability success.

Our CSRD solutionBook a demo

A Carbon Credit Solution Empowering Water Security and Health in India

By CEMAsys

A Carbon Credit Solution Empowering Water Security and Health in India.

Project WADI:

India is one of the world’s most water-stressed countries, facing challenges from seasonal variations and a lack of sustainable water resource management. Between 2012 and 2017, the country recorded over 69 million cases of water-borne diseases, with diarrhea being the leading cause of death. In response to this crisis, CEMAsys and CIC have launched Project WADI, a carbon credit project with a mission to provide safe drinking water to rural communities in Madhya Pradesh. This project not only addresses critical water issues but also offers an innovative carbon credit solution for businesses seeking to offset their carbon emissions.

What Is Project WADI? 

A Carbon Credit Initiative with a social and environmental Impact

Project WADI is a unique initiative that provides safe drinking water to 30,185 families across the Jhabua, Khandwa, and Barwani districts of Madhya Pradesh, India. Implemented in partnership with Caritas India, this project leverages WADI devices to harness solar power for water disinfection. Beyond its social benefits, Project WADI generates valuable carbon credits by reducing CO2 emissions, offering companies a sustainable and impactful way to meet their carbon offset goals.

The Technology Behind WADI:

Solar Water Disinfection

WADI is an innovative, WHO-approved device designed to visualize Solar Water Disinfection. The process is simple yet highly effective: the device is placed next to transparent bottles filled with biologically contaminated water. By measuring the impact of UV rays, WADI indicates when the water has been sufficiently disinfected by solar power and is safe to drink. This approach not only ensures access to clean water but also replaces traditional methods of boiling water with firewood, significantly reducing CO2 emissions.

Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through Carbon Credits

Project WADI aligns with six of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), making it a powerful option for companies looking to integrate sustainability into their carbon management strategies. By participating in this carbon credit project, businesses not only offset their emissions but also support clean water initiatives, improve public health, and foster sustainable community development.

Your trusted partner for carbon credits and ESG solutions

CEMAsys has provided carbon credits to hundreds of customers yearly since 2007. We offer projects where you can compensate for emissions now while pursuing a decarbonization pathway to become net-zero through nature-based solutions that store CO2 over time.

Carbon ManagementContact

Canada's Modern Slavery Act Webinar

Canada's Modern Slavery Act

Learnings from the First Year of Reporting

About the webinar

The reporting deadline for Canada’s Modern Slavery Act (Bill S-211) has passed, and we have gathered some great insights from the first year of reporting!

Join us to:
• Gain critical learnings from the first year of reporting
• Explore best practices for ensuring compliance
• Discover strategies to enhance your reporting for the coming year

Learn more about our services!

Canada's modern slavery act

Our dedicated team of ESG experts is here to provide you with comprehensive support every step of the way.

Advisory ServicesBook a demo

Our way to help clients with CSRD

By CEMAsys

How to start your CSRD reporting process

Having a robust system solution in place is crucial to ensure a structured and compliant reporting process. CEMAsys has developed a CSRD package to make it easier for companies to report according to the standards and for auditors to review.

Double Materiality Assessment

The first step of CSRD is to conduct a double materiality assessment. The objective is to review the integral components of the CSRD, connected to the different European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), and determine whether these components are material or not. Once the company has decided which components of the ESRS to report on, these should be validated by an auditor to ensure that they are eligible.

Gather the data

The next step will be to gather the data connected to the components deemed material by the company. Data should be collected according to the mandatory reporting areas, and once collected, be reviewed again by an auditor.

By using our tailored system solutions and in-house expertise, you will be able to comply with all the steps of the extensive sustainability reporting structure of the CSRD.

Are you looking for a CSRD solution?

Our ESG-expert consultants can help facilitate your whole CSRD process, and navigate your company towards sustainability success.

Our CSRD solutionBook a demo

Wildfire crisis in Canada

By CEMAsys

Wildfire crisis in Canada

Challenges and implications for humanity amidst climate change.

As of June 12th, 2023, Canada has been grappling with 450 active fires across the country. The situation has caused widespread alarm and efforts to combat these blazes are ongoing. Unfortunately, the number of fires continues to rise, posing a severe threat to both human lives and the environment.

What is going on in Canada?

These fires have primarily been concentrated in the eastern and western provinces of Canada, where they have wreaked havoc on vast areas of land. Disturbingly, authorities have categorized 220 of these fires as «out of control,» indicating the challenges faced in containing and extinguishing them. The scale and intensity of these wildfires have stretched firefighting resources to their limits, requiring a coordinated and multi-pronged approach to bring them under control.

One of the most notable impacts was experienced outside of Canada, in New York City, where the air quality reached historically high levels of pollution. Particulate matter concentrations soared, exceeding 200 micrograms per cubic meter of air. This surge in pollution caused the city to be engulfed in a thick orange smog, shrouding its iconic skyline, and impacting the daily lives of its residents.

What is forecasted?

The Canadian government is faced with a daunting and prolonged challenge as they anticipate that the rampant fires across the country will persist for the foreseeable future. The fire season, which commenced in May, is projected to extend until October. Given the extent and severity of the ongoing fires, authorities have classified this season as «severe,» raising concerns about the potential ramifications it may bring.

Projections and analyses conducted by experts indicate that this year’s fire activity in Canada is likely to surpass historical norms. The most recent report released by government officials highlights the anticipated escalation of fire incidents, emphasizing that the current situation is far from reaching a resolution. Unfortunately, the prospects for containment and extinguishment appear challenging, as factors such as prolonged drought and rising temperatures exacerbate the fire-prone conditions.

Climate change serves as a formidable catalyst, with its escalating trajectory necessitating urgent attention. The warming of the Earth and exacerbation of drought conditions engender a rise in the incidence of wildfires. Consequently, these events wield substantial repercussions on human health. Specifically, deleterious respiratory complications arise from compromised air quality and heightened pollution levels, manifesting as heightened allergies and asthma cases. Furthermore, the augmented frequency of elevated temperatures places vulnerable demographics at an elevated risk of heat-related afflictions.

How do we combat climate change?

Mitigating the far-reaching impacts of climate change necessitates collective action, where both companies and individuals play pivotal roles in reducing their carbon footprint. Embracing this responsibility entails a multifaceted approach, and there are several effective strategies that can be employed.

One paramount avenue is transitioning to renewable energy sources. By championing the development and widespread adoption of clean energy technologies, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, we can usher in a profound reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Both individuals and companies can actively participate in this shift, whether through installing rooftop solar panels, supporting renewable energy providers, or investing in the research and development of innovative clean energy solutions.

Simultaneously, embracing sustainable transportation options holds immense potential for emission reduction. At an individual level, conscientious choices like purchasing electric vehicles or opting for public transportation can make a tangible difference. For companies, the adoption of green transportation practices, such as fleet electrification or incentivizing carpooling and cycling among employees, can significantly contribute to mitigating carbon emissions.

Companies have the unique capacity to drive change through their investments and business practices. By allocating funds towards green energy projects, supporting sustainable startups, and integrating environmentally conscious practices into their operations, businesses can serve as catalysts for a low-carbon economy.